Low lubricity is a fluids test for products and systems that contain moving parts. Used to determine the operational life of components, low lubricity testing focuses on the relationship between the age and temperature of fluid, and the mechanical wear of products in operation. 

Why is low lubricity testing performed?

像大多数燃料测试一样, Low lubricity testing is used to determine how test components function while operating in the worst case environment. As lubricating fluids are cycled over time, they become less effective at reducing friction between components, making wear and damage to parts increasingly likely. This results in reduced life span of products, and increased maintenance on engines and systems.

 Low lubricity testing provides reliable predictions about how well a product can survive under the most taxing conditions. By performing operational cycles with specially conditioned fluids, we gain insights into product safety, 维护要求, 系统寿命.

How is low lubricity testing performed?

We test for low lubricity of fluids per ASTM D5001 standards. To create the appropriate level of lubricity, we run the test fluid through custom-designed clay filters, which remove a variety of compounds from the samples. Depending on the test program, we can also create a high-temperature environment, which further decreases the fluid lubricity. 

Using a Ball on Cylinder Lubricity Evaluator (BOCLE), we can quantify the lubricity value of the test fluid to ensure the properties are fit for test.  With the properly conditioned fluid, we run operational cycles on the test component while monitoring key performance characteristics and signs of degradation. Once an out of tolerance condition or unit failure occurs, the component can be broken down and inspected to find the most susceptible features. 

im体育APP’s unique capabilities

As a single-source provider of environmental and hydraulic and fuels testing, our lab can provide unique services for low lubricity testing. Our clay filters conditioning system and operational fluid systems are built in-house to manipulate lubricity levels for a range of test programs. 

对于自定义项目, we can control both lubricity and temperature levels, and create automatic test systems capable of running for hundreds, 甚至成千上万, 的时间. Our test stands are built to provide extreme levels of temperature, 复杂性, 和权力, for even the largest projects.

立即im体育APP for more information about our low lubricity and fuel testing services



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